BlueKai, a Silicon Valley company at the forefront in helping marketers and publishers become more intelligent about their audiences, is dialing up its presence today with the launch and expansion of its Data Activation System (DAS) into the mobile space. Offering the industry's first ever mobile end-to-end, cloud-based solution, marketers and publishers will now be able to tap into first or third party mobile data to identify, analyze and re-target valuable mobile site visitors as well as prospecting new audiences who are on-the-go.
And to ensure that mobile consumer privacy remains protected, BlueKai is launching its proprietary Mobile Privacy Guard (MPG), a new technology that promises to help users maintain a high level of anonymity on their mobile devices that builds on BlueKai's industry-leading position as a provider of transparent consumer solutions including its white-label registry and opt-out protector.
With the extension of BlueKai's Data Activation System into mobile, marketers and publishers will now be able to leverage a data-driven approach to better profile and reach audiences more effectively and efficiently across this burgeoning landscape – a fast growing channel with 77 percent of the US population owning a mobile phone, according to eMarketer.
"As ad spending on mobile continues to double from last year, marketers are looking for ways to be competitive and effective in this channel," said Cory Treffiletti, Senior Vice President of Marketing for BlueKai. "BlueKai's DAS promises to help marketers and publishers realize the full potential of first and third party mobile data at scale while still providing a solution for maintaining consumer privacy in mobile."
With this announcement, BlueKai DAS' full suite of products including its Data Management Platform (DMP), BlueKai Exchange and audience analytics will now be mobile-aware.
Marketers and publishers who currently gain and activate data intelligence from online and digital channels can now do the same with the data from their mobile site and mobile applications. This includes performing data-driven executions such as retargeting, lookalike modeling and site customization with seamless access to the first mobile data exchange for prospecting audiences in the mobile realm.
BlueKai's extension into mobile is filling a void in the mobile marketplace which has lacked traditional browser based cookies as an effective tool for tracking and measurement. As part of that effort, BlueKai has partnered with AdTruth, a patented device recognition provider, to create a standard for tracking in mobile and for effectively recognizing audiences anonymously across both mobile web and in app for all mobile devices.
BlueKai is also enhancing its mobile technology stack by creating the BlueKai Mobile Privacy Guard, a proprietary technology that ensures consumer anonymity without compromising any value to the marketer. Based on a novel twist on noise injection techniques which are used in various fields to protect anonymity, BlueKai's Mobile Privacy Guard will substitute random noise with value-added recommendations. For example, when a device is "tagged" with actual behaviors performed by a device, a set of recommended attributes are injected into the device profile. This ensures the device is immediately anonymized to protect the consumer, but still valuable and relevant for advertisers.
"As regulators and other policy makers continue to push for privacy by design, BlueKai has once again answered the call by introducing another privacy innovation into the marketplace," noted Alan Chapell, Privacy Advisor, Chapell & Associates. "I applaud the effort to use noise injection as a methodology to enhance privacy in the mobile marketplace."
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