Premium mobile ad exchange Nexage this morning reported that revenues from its real-time bidding platform frew 171% in 2012. Describing it as “above-market growth,” Nexage said the momentum was driven by the fact that the overall programmatic marektplace is expanding rapidly, especially from premium publishers and media buyers trading in mobile ad impressions.
Nexage attributed the revenue growth to a 72% expansion in inventory volume and a 164% increase in demand volume, indicating that demand outstripped suppy during 2012, which likely expanded premium pricing.
BlueKai, a Silicon Valley company at the forefront in helping marketers and publishers become more intelligent about their audiences, is dia...
AdExchangeLabのサイトを移転しました。 次回投稿からは、下記URLで行います。 さらなるユーザビリティの向上と情報量の増加を目指して移転しました。 今後も、AdExchangeLabを宜しくお願...
The world of auction-based media is a fascinating space with rich detail into data and numbers. In fact, the details of the numbers and spee...
今朝(米国時間9/13)、Facebookはクッキーを利用してユーザーを再ターゲットするリアルタイム入札式広告のテスト結果を発表した。テストに参加した広告配信ネットワーク、AdRoll、 Triggit、TellApartの調査によれば、新広告の費用対効果は最大で16倍にもなっ...